The folding stock for the Mini 14 rifle is lightweight and very compact. Great for hiking, backpacking, guiding, riding in a car, or storage in your home. When folded, the rifle is 12 inches shorter. The folding stocks are very rigid when extended and insure a stable shooting platform for your rifle. The housing and arms are cast out of a high quality steel and then machined and blued in our factory. The cast arms are then molded with nylon polymer and fitted with a recoil absorbing rubber butt pad. These stocks are hand assembled and quality checked to be straight when in the opened position and lock up in the open position. The springs, housing, arms, and stocks are 100% made and assembled in the USA and carry the Choate lifetime guarantee.
These stocks fit the 181 and up series only.
Weight – 2 lb 4oz
L.O.P. – 13 ¼ in.